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This Website:
I still have no real direction, however, under my blog you will find various posts - tidbits and morsels of reality, fun, humor, sarcasm, and honesty. From book reviews to Monday perspectives, dog adventures to recipes, random ramblings, reality checks, soap boxes and hopefully, stuff that will just make your day a little brighter. This will be a melting pot of Morgan. Not sure if some of you want that, but you know, I already started.
I'm a late 30 something woman who doesn't quite know what she wants to do when she grows up. As a mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, educator, writer, supporter of mental health awareness, feminist, self proclaimed history nerd, animal lover, and dedicated supporter of just being nice when all else fails, I want to be there for people who need someone in their corner. Read my things, or don't. Look at my pictures and videos, or don't. Laugh, feel motivated, inspired, or don't. Do what makes you feel good and fulfilled. And by all means, pay that feeling forward.
"Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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