A wise man once said “music is the universal language of mankind.”
That wise man’s name is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Interestingly, Wadsworth was not a famous musician, rather, he was a famous poet (and one of my favorites might I add, check out a poem I love called “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” ).
Despite his having no real influence on the world of music, his statement rings true and has been utilized for over 100 years in various forms; the phrase is even backed by science now. Music speaks to people throughout the world who may not even speak the same language. The notes, the instruments, the beat, the voices - whatever is used, it is a form of poetry. Rhythmic and rhyming, or not. Organized or chaotic. Serious or Silly. Happy or Sad. Popular or relatively under the radar. Old or new. Male, Female, or Unidentified. Asian, Black, Indigenous, Latin, or White. All evoking emotion. Or, perhaps an emotional response? Whatever it is, music is magnificent.
My nephew, Justin (more like a little brother since we are closer in age than I am with my siblings) is a music lover like no one else I have ever met. We do not come from a family of musicians. I cannot play an instrument (although in middle school I tried my hand at the trombone and failed miserably by hyperventilating at the spring concert), and neither can Justin. I can sing a little, and I do enjoy it, but I am no professional and have zero training. Justin was a screamer in a middle school scream-o band, and he also rapped quite a bit throughout high school and his early twenties, so he technically has more experience than I. I laugh as I type this, and he will probably kill me for it- but it really illustrates his love for all genres and his passion for music of any kind. Lately, Justin loves to find acoustic, low key, emotional music. He spends his free time searching youtube for songs that speak to him, this is an outlet for him in the ever changing, unprecedented time we are living through.
I thought it would be cool to involve Justin in my Monday Perspectives - adding a song or a playlist to each post. We can think of it as Monday Perspectives and Music. You can enjoy my perspective for the week then listen to a new song, or just scroll to the music part. So maybe you just want Music Monday? Or you don’t have time to read my ramblings for the week? Whatever works for you. I thought that since my Monday Perspectives typically involve something I am or have been emotional about, it would be fitting to pair it with music of some kind.
I know that music has helped Justin immeasurably. Lifting him out of some dark times or emphasizing the happiness and joy he feels in the moment. Music has done this for me as well. I can turn on a good song and my mood can instantly change (for the better, or worse…) In any case, music is really important, it can be an incredibly powerful tool in one’s life for personal reasons but also, to help facilitate understanding of others. Music can highlight someone’s culture, background, upbringing, feelings, politics, accomplishments, tribulations, and so much more. Perhaps if we could put people’s social media posts and the news into lyrical and musical form, people would understand one another more? Would they be willing to see things through someone else’s lens and instead of thinking about what they will respond with, actually listen? I don’t see that happening any time soon, but it is kind of cool to think about.
And that is my Monday Perspective.
For today’s music, I am posting Nahko’s “Black As Night”.
(So, at the bottom of each Monday Perspective post, I will link to youtube playlists or songs that Justin has curated for us. I hope you enjoy!)